Hyde Park & South Side Preservation Article Links

Link Article Name Description of Resource Citation Topic Community
metroplanning.org/news/8520/What-should-..."What should this building become?"Website with links detailing the process and results of the MPC and the Cook County Land Bank's Woodlawn community engagement to plan the future of the abandoned Washington Park National Bank Building.Freeman, K. (2018, July 17). What should this building become? [web log]. Retrieved February 1, 2022, from https://www.metroplanning.org/news/8520/What-should-this-building-become. Washington Park National Bank BuildingWoodlawn
chicago.suntimes.com/2020/1/31/21117111/..."An old bank building becomes key to Woodlawn's revival"Article detailing the aftermath of the MPC/CCLB community planning process.Roeder, D. (2020, January 31). An old bank building becomes key to Woodlawn's revival. Chicago Sun-Times (IL). Available from NewsBank: Access World News – Historical and Current: https://infoweb-newsbank-com.proxy.uchicago.edu/apps/news/document-view?p=WORLDNEWS&docref=news/178D4F8B17A96750.Washington Park National Bank BuildingWoodlawn
preservationchicago.org/2020/02/28/threa..."THREATENED: Washington Park National Bank"Shortly after the above article was published, Preservation Chicago added the Washington Park National Bank Building to its "Chicago 7" most endangered list (it did so in 2018 as well) and released this article to argue against its demolition.Preservation Chicago. (2020, February 28). THREATENED: Washington Park National Bank [web log]. Retrieved February 1, 2022, from https://preservationchicago.org/2020/02/28/threatened-washington-park-national-bank/.Washington Park National Bank BuildingWoodlawn
chicagomag.com/real-estate/March-2014/In..."Inside the Shoreland Hotel's New Luxury Rentals"Discussion of the Shoreland refurbishment following its declaration as a city landmark and its sale to Mac by UChicago.Spula, I. (2014, March 12). Inside the Shoreland Hotel's New Luxury Rentals. Chicago Magazine. Retrieved February 4, 2022, from https://www.chicagomag.com/real-estate/March-2014/Inside-The-Shoreland-Apartment-Hotel/.Shoreland Apartments (Formerly UChicago Dorms, Formerly Hotel)Hyde Park
blockclubchicago.org/2021/02/24/citys-7-..."‘Most Endangered Buildings’ Of 2021 Unveiled By Preservation Chicago"4 of the "Most Endangered Buildings/Spaces" are on the South Side.Evans, M. (2021, February 24). City’s 7 ‘Most Endangered Buildings’ Of 2021 Unveiled By Preservation Chicago. Block Club Chicago. Retrieved February 1, 2022, from https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/02/24/citys-7-most-endangered-buildings-of-2021-unveiled-by-preservation-chicago/.General PreservationCity of Chicago
chicagotribune.com/real-estate/ct-theast..."Theaster Gates shows off Rebuild Foundation’s progress in Greater Grand Crossing: ‘We’re slowly rebuilding the necessary infrastructure so that artists can thrive.’"Discussion of current projects by Theaster Gates, whose Rebuild Foundation has preserved and reused many old, historic buildings around the South Side. Currently working on converting St. Laurence Catholic Elementary School Building into St. Laurence Arts & Industry arts incubator.Rockett, D. (2021). Theaster Gates shows off Rebuild Foundation’s progress in Greater Grand Crossing: ‘We’re slowly rebuilding the necessary infrastructure so that artists can thrive.’. Available from Proquest: http://proxy.uchicago.edu/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/blogs-podcasts-websites/theaster-gates-shows-off-rebuild-foundation-s/docview/2568773309/se-2?accountid=14657.General PreservationSouth Side
blockclubchicago.org/2021/11/16/south-si..."South Side Neighbors Unite To Restore Huge Vacant Apartment Building, Hoping To Revitalize 71st Street And Beyond"27 neighbors in South Shore Chicago (from Jackson Park Highlands, which is a Chicago historic Landmark district) puchased a historic mixed-use building to restore and redevelop it with the goal of revitalizing the 71st street area of the community.Evans, M. (2021, November 16). South Side Neighbors Unite To Restore Huge Vacant Apartment Building, Hoping To Revitalize 71st Street And Beyond. Block Club Chicago. Retrieved February 2, 2022, from https://blockclubchicago.org/2021/11/16/south-side-neighbors-unite-to-restore-huge-vacant-apartment-building-hoping-to-revitalize-71st-street-and-beyond/.General PreservationSouth Shore
preservationchicago.org/category/advocac..."Hyde Park, Kenwood, Woodlawn" (Preservation Chicago News Page)Preservation Chicago's aggregate page for all news for Hyde Park, Kenwood, and Woodlawn. Currently lots of news about the Point limestone preservation campaign, individual houses and structures, and opposition to the Obama Presidential CenterHyde Park, Kenwood, Woodlawn. Preservation Chicago. (2021, November 30). Retrieved February 3, 2022, from https://preservationchicago.org/category/advocacy/neighborhood/hyde-park-kenwood-woodlawn/.General PreservationHyde Park/Kenwood/Woodlawn
poahchicago.org/property/illinois/washin..."The Washington at Woodlawn Park"POAH acquired old apartment buildings in the area (this portfolio starting after the Great Recession) to restore and turn into affordable housing.Preservation of Affordable Housing. (n.d.). The Washington at Woodlawn Park. Preservation of Affordable Housing – Chicago. Retrieved February 3, 2022, from https://www.poahchicago.org/property/illinois/washington-woodlawn-park.Affordable HousingWoodlawn/Washington Park
hpherald.com/evening_digest/elijah-muham..."Elijah Muhammad house moves closer to National Register inclusion, as Point advocates call for landmark designation"Article from September about current preservation topics in Hyde Park/Kenwood – discusses the save the Promontory Point movement and its landmark status (it was nominated). In the Kenwood Historic District, the Elijah Muhammad House was nominated to be added to the National Register of Historic Places list.Belanger, C. (2021, September 22). Elijah Muhammad house moves closer to National Register inclusion, as Point advocates call for landmark designation. Hyde Park Herald. Retrieved February 2, 2022, from https://www.hpherald.com/evening_digest/elijah-muhammad-house-moves-closer-to-national-register-inclusion-as-point-advocates-call-for-landmark/article_6e8fbfa6-1bf6-11ec-8229-0b80a0c43bb5.html.Specific Site PreservationHyde Park/Kenwood