Chicago Preservation Books

LinkBook NameISBNAuthorCitation (APA)Description…Lost Chicago978-0-22649-432-6David Garard LoweLowe, D. (2010). Lost Chicago. The Univ. of Chicago Press.Discussion of Chicago architectural history in the wake of demolition and replacement…ReZoning Chicago's Modernisms978-1-45654-081-4Sherry TierneyTierney, S. (2008). Rezoning Chicago's Modernisms: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Remment Koolhaas, the Iit campus and its bronzeville prehistory (1914-2003).Discussion of urban renewal and the destruction of parts of Bronzeville during the construction of IIT…They All Fall Down978-0471144267Richard CahanCahan, R. (1994). They all fall down: Richard Nickel's struggle to save America's architecture. Preservation Press.Biography of Richard Nickel, who is credited by many of the sources I read with igniting the modern Chicago historic preservation movement with his (futile) activism to preserve the Garrick Theater
battleoflincolnpark.comThe Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and Gentrification in Chicago978-1-94874-209-2Daniel Kay HertzHertz, D. K. (2018). The Battle of Lincoln Park: Urban Renewal and gentrification in Chicago. Belt Publishing.History of urban renewal, neighborhood change, and displacement in Lincoln park from the early to the late 20th century involving government and community actors. Written by Daniel Kay Hertz, who is a Harris School alum who has written for South Side Weekly in addition to the Atlantic, City Observatory, Chicago Magazine, and the Chicago Reader.…The City as Campus: Urbanism and Higher Education in Chicago 978-0-8166-6564-8Sharon HaarHaar, S. (2011). The city as Campus Urbanism and Higher Education in Chicago. University of Minnesota Press.Discussion of university urban renewal efforts, efforts that have implications for preservation of historic buildings (i.e. those that survived urban renewal-era demolition). Relevant Chapters: Chapters 3 and 4: Urban renewal in Chicago; Chapter 7: contemporary Chicago-based university activities in the Loop (mention of architecture in the context of city architectural styles); Conclusion (subheader: "Repairing the Wounds of Urban Renewal")